Which ongoing movements in history are likely to worsen if we are not careful? Loosely based on Jacques Attali's essay A Brief History of the Future, this film portrays the world that awaits us. But what if that future world were already here?

The film, directed by Laurent Perreau and produced by Wise Bird / Maneki Lab, made its debut at the Louvre in Paris as part of the exhibition « A Brief History of the Future ». It was shown in an immersive room, with L’Ombre, a fragment of Rodin’s work recovered in the rubble of the World Trade Center, and Fondation, an Ai Weiwei’s work made of stone foundations from centuries-old Chinese halls.

Ai Weiwei designed a contemporary equivalent to the Greek agora, where visitors were invited to sit upon the bases of the pillars and reflect on the future while watching the film.